Weekly Gatherings
9:45am: Adult Sunday School *Don Wysor Sunday School
10:30 am: Coffee and Doughnuts
11:00am: Worship**
*For a list of Sunday School options CLICK HERE
**Nursery for 3 years and under; Children’s Church 4-7 years old (Children’s Church is dismissed after the Time With Children during the worship service.)
**Please note that Summer Scheduling is different. Please check through calendar or contact us for summer scheduling.

Winter Weather Policy
The Winter Weather Policy for our congregation includes the following guidelines:
- Worship services and Sunday School on Sunday morning will be as scheduled (9:45 and 11:00 AM) regardless of the weather. If some teachers are unable to travel safely to church because of weather conditions, some classes might be consolidated for a particular Sunday.
- During weekdays, all congregational events (eg. Wednesday supper and program) will be cancelled if the Wythe County schools are closed for the day or dismissed early because of weather conditions. These events will not be cancelled if schools are operating on a delayed schedule (when school begins 1 or 2 hours late).
- During weekdays, if other activities are scheduled by smaller groups, the groups will contact their members about any changes of schedules due to weather conditions. These include: choir rehearsals, Presbyterian Women Circle meetings, Presbyterian Men’s Prayer Breakfast, and all committee meetings.
- On weekends, if weather conditions cause the cancellation of an event, the church will communicate this information as efficiently as possible. If you have a question about a particular event, you may call Pastor John (919) 607-6448 or 228-4715).
Most important, if weather conditions are not safe because of ice, snow, or temperature, please exercise caution in making a decision about whether or not to come for a church service or activity.